This college offers a smarter kind of college education that makes learning a fresh, exciting experience that's relevant to you. It's also surprisingly affordable, making it an attractive option for students.
This college has led the nation in transfers to University of California (UC) campuses for an impressive 33 years straight. It's also recognized as one of the best community colleges in California and the nation.
This college offers a range of session lengths to fit different students' needs, including a 16-week session, two 8-week sessions, and a 12-week session, starting at different times throughout the year.
Others have praised this college, calling it one of the better colleges in the area. It's also been recognized as California's #1 transfer college for 30 years, with a strong track record of transferring students to top universities like UC, USC, and LMU.
Students can expect a world-class education that opens up endless possibilities for their future. With a focus on providing a high-quality education, this college sets students up for success in their chosen fields.