This park offers easy access to surprisingly wild places, featuring famous beaches, over 500 miles of trails, and a variety of historical and cultural sites, including old movie ranches and Native American centers.
You can explore the trails, learn about mountain lions, and discover historical and cultural sites together. The park also offers a junior ranger program for kids.
The visitor center has clean bathrooms, a gift shop with a wide selection of items, and a museum/info center with exhibits and information about the park. You can also find picnic tables and a relaxing outdoor area.
The staff and rangers are friendly and willing to help, providing information and assistance to visitors. They are also amazing and kind, making the experience even more enjoyable.
The visitor center features interesting exhibitions, a National Park stamp and passport station, and a junior ranger program for kids. You can also learn about the park's native plant restoration efforts and the work of NPS biologists to restore native species.