The standout dish is the pho soup, which is considered one of the best by many customers. The bone marrow pho is a popular choice, featuring a large beef bone with tender meat and slivers of tendon in a rich and savory beef broth.
The Vermicelli bowl is a favorite because it's packed with fresh lettuce, cucumber, bean sprouts, and carrots, and has plenty of vermicelli. The grilled pork is crispy and smoky, and the dish is overall very flavorful and satisfying.
The beef broth is clear, rich, and savory, and is made with a special recipe that's been passed down through the family. The broth is so good that customers rave about it and even compliment the owners on its deliciousness.
Customers can expect friendly and welcoming service, with staff that make them feel like they're part of the family. The service is quick and attentive, with food brought out on a little cart.
In addition to the pho and Vermicelli bowl, customers also recommend trying the beef stew, egg rolls, and boba smoothies, which come in exotic flavors like jackfruit, soursop, and coconut. The menu is extensive and offers many options to try.