Make-up Artist San Jose Near Me

MakeupStarStudio designHERimage bridal makeup & hair design Kim Baker Beauty Beauty Innovations Pauline Farace Beauty Makeup Artist willow glen Professional Makeup Artist, SB makeup artist eyelash makeup artist AList Makeup Makeup Artist and Hairstylist Beauty By Thao Visions of Venus Dolled up services Beauty by Sofia Bee Bay Area Make Up Artist

1. MakeupStarStudio - San José

· 35 reviews

60 Descanso Dr, San Jose, CA 95134

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2. designHERimage bridal makeup & hair design - San José



· 30 reviews

808 W San Carlos St, San Jose, CA 95126

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3. Kim Baker Beauty - San José

· 57 reviews

3535 Ross Ave Suite 309, San Jose, CA 95124

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4. Beauty Innovations - San José

· 158 reviews

1157 Saratoga Ave #117, San Jose, CA 95129

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5. Pauline Farace Beauty - San José

· 43 reviews

1936 Camden Ave #4d, San Jose, CA 95124

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6. Makeup Artist willow glen - Milpitas

· 15 reviews
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7. Professional Makeup Artist, - San José

· 11 reviews
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8. SB makeup artist - Communications Hill

· 15 reviews

Vista Roma Way, San Jose, CA 95136

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9. eyelash makeup artist - San José

· 6 reviews

1321 Saratoga Ave, San Jose, CA 95129

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10. Kiss & Makeup Willow Glen - San José

· 9 reviews

1165 Lincoln Ave #125, San Jose, CA 95125

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11. AList Makeup Makeup Artist and Hairstylist - Sunnyvale

· 18 reviews

403 E Arques Ave, Sunnyvale, CA 94085

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12. Beauty By Thao - Santa Clara County

· 8 reviews
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13. Visions of Venus - San José

· 11 reviews

321 Bradley Ave, San Jose, CA 95128

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14. Dolled up services - Campbell

· 6 reviews

1730 S Bascom Ave Suite 29, Campbell, CA 95126

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15. Beauty by Sofia Bee - Santa Clara

· 36 reviews
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Beauty by Sofia Bee: what do users think?

Zhanna Shpits: Sofia Bee 是一位毫無疑問的專業人士,她提供線上培訓和/或現場服務 - 無論是教您如何自己化妝還是為您做美容。我最近與索菲亞一起工作的經歷幾乎是一個真正的奇蹟!就在我隔離期間的線上音樂會之前,她在 Instagram 上實時訓練我如何化妝。起初,我很懷疑。我自己真的可以做嗎?!但經過索菲亞專業耐心的指導後,結果卻令人驚訝。參加我的虛擬線上音樂會的所有 200 個人都說我那天晚上看起來棒極了。我把這歸功於索菲亞。全部 100%。她非常有耐心、開朗、樂於助人、氣氛很好,讓你享受與索菲亞一起工作的每一刻。強烈推薦給任何正在尋找美容教育者的人。你剛剛中了大獎。我是認真的。詹娜·什皮茨品牌客製化歌曲製作人、演講者、創作歌手

Maxine Goulding: 我參加了索菲亞作為教練的私人化妝課程。她教授了一些易於學習和應用的出色化妝技巧。她為我打造了柔和自然的妝容,讓我的臉年輕了好幾歲。誰不想要這樣!服務:私人課程

Olga Gavrilova: or not. Sofia provides step-by-step instruction so you can do it by yourself. Her in person and virtual lessons are highly recommended! You will feel more confident with products and techniques. And more beautiful for sure.

Emily Huynh: 我多年來一直與 Sofia Bee 的 Beauty 合作,體驗總是很棒!我最近與 Sofia 一起參加了虛擬 Zoom 化妝課程。我真的不知道會發生什麼,但索菲亞超出了我的預期!我從 Sofia 學到的東西比觀看無數 YouTube 教學學到的還要多。作為一個不是真正的化妝或美容人士的人,在索菲亞課程結束後,我現在感覺很舒服。她提供實用、現實的指導,現在我可以在 10 分鐘內完成化妝!我甚至用索菲亞的技巧為我的訂婚照做了自己的化妝。 (此評論附有照片!)此外,我是一名品牌攝影師,總是將索菲亞推薦給我的客戶。無論是現場化妝還是虛擬化妝,她都非常出色。我附上了一張我的客戶為拍攝照片自己化妝的照片!索菲亞是一位傾聽您需求的專家,我強烈推薦她給任何需要化妝服務的人!

Tatiana Weaver: 正面:守時,專業度在我 40 多歲的時候,我剛剛向一位出色的化妝師 Sofia Bee 學習了專業但非常簡單的化妝技巧!關於混合、描邊以及如何使我的臉更加自然和美麗的一些技巧。只需幾次 Zoom 會議即可實現我的自然美。服務:私人課程

Kelly Spohrer: Sofia was AMAZING to work with! She has a ton of knowledge and expertise about clean beauty. She listened to all my questions and concerns specific to my skin tone and type, and helped me design the perfect look for my wedding day! She also had plenty of helpful suggestions and ideas for everyday skincare and makeup. She made the whole process so fun and engaging, and I learned a lot from her! I love the products she recommended, and I felt so beautiful on my wedding day! Thank you Sofia!

Aleksandra Doroshenko: 四年前,我在她協助舉辦的俄羅斯科幻小姐活動中認識了索菲亞。她的表現非常出色,讓我覺得不管怎樣,師父都能完成她的工作,而不是相當無組織的活動。我交了一個好朋友。順便說一句,她不僅會化妝,而且還擁有豐富的產品知識。她在網路上非常樂於助人,幫我解決了產品問題,即使這些產品不再可用。有一次,我正在尋找一款我用了 11 年的特定眼線筆,但它已經停產了……那你覺得怎麼樣?她分析了我詳細的產品描述,並給了我一些類似的選擇。我簡直不敢相信!因此,如果我有什麼不清楚的地方,她是我第一個接觸的人之一。謝謝索菲亞,你是艱難的美容行業的天才大師。

Olga Liashenko: 和她的網站(即將推出!)。其中充滿了操作步驟,最重要的是,您可以在她的 Amazon Front Store 上訂購她的所有產品:「Beauty by Sofia Bee」。我從她的亞馬遜商店訂購了幾次,發貨很快,包裝精美。我迫不及待地想加入她現在創建的線上社群!我可以保證我會在很長一段時間內成為回頭客。謝謝,索菲亞蜜蜂!

Shanzay K: I purchased a Groupon to get a makeup class from Sofia for my mom and I. Sofia was amazing and I cannot recommend her services enough! She taught us the proper techniques for both our unique ages and features. The techniques she taught us have stayed with us over the past few months and drastically improved our makeup skills! Sofia was also super warm, punctual, knowledgeable, and gave us lots of time. Thank you Sofia for a wonderful and educational experience!

Dama Jue: and I learned so much in just one lesson. I can't wait to learn more. If you need event makeup or just need help getting started, like I did, I HIGHLY recommend working with Sofia Bee !

Radu Binzari: Sofia is the best makeup artist in Sf and Bay Area! Fast, professional with a great attitude! She also does lessons and her IG account is always on point with lots of amazing tips! Sofia is an amazing person also, contact her for your next MUAH appointment and you'll never book anyone else after..Highly recommend to everyone.Positive Punctuality, Cleanliness, Quality, Professionalism, Value …

Anne Baylouny: Sofia did an amazing job for my professional photo shoot -- for work. I had a bad haircut, but had to get the pic before it would grow out. She did great and made my hair look good!! Makeup is wonderful! I also used her for a lesson to learn how to put makeup on myself, and she was very generous and helpful. She told me to video it on my phone so i would be able to do it myself, and then went step by step. By the end of it, i knew what i had been doing wrong. No amount of youtube would have shown me that bec i did not know what it was i needed to learn! I highly recommend Sofia.

Aleksandra Scott: the specific techniques for makeup application and the reasons behind that. The knowledge I gained during our last session is invaluable . With a few simple tweeks to technique coupled with a few trade secrets , I can now apply concealer like a pro ! Who knew that you can’t just grab the heaviest concealer off the shelf and smear it thickly under your eye! Over the years I have grown to trust Sophia’s judgement in anything makeup or skincare. Her product recommendations are always top notch and she will take the time to personalize her recommendations to your specific budget. I am very honored to have known this wonderful lady for over 10 years.

Natalia Vertinskaya: Sofia is the only one who made a natural look for me and it looked gorgeous all day in real life and on pictures and video! She not just a great professional but an awesome personality with a big caring heart. She not just a makeup artist, she's a great educator. After her services you will know about make up more then after make up school!Highly recommended Sofia!

L: Sofia Bee is the best makeup artist in Silicon Valley, hands down! She is knowledgeable about all types of makeup, product, and skin care. Her technique is flawless and second to none. When Sofia does my makeup, I receive so many compliments and I have learned so much from her. Highly recommended!

Family Road Trip Guru: Sofia offers an amazing combination of in-depth knowledge and fantastic personality. To work with her, to learn from her is a great pleasure. She is a phenomenal make up artist!

Molly McCauley: Sofia has done my makeup and hair a few times now -- and she is incredible! Every time, not only did I look like myself, the best version of myself, but I FELT AMAZING! That is half the battle when you are getting up to speak to a room of people. She also gave such great suggestions throughout my application on how to do this at home, or tips on any skin/makeup issues I have been having! I'm so grateful she has been able to make me feel confident in my own skin! Thank you Sofia! xo

Elena Kogan: I wholeheartedly recommend Sofia for make up application and coaching. She did a great job on me, and taught me so many things - I always apply make up according to her advise and look radiant and confident. She is a delightful person to be around, too.

Irina Fileva: I really liked the work of Sofia master make-up artist. It made me feel like a new person, and I was so happy when it was done. Sophia, you are wonderful!

16. Bay Area Make Up Artist - Santa Cruz County

· 13 reviews
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