Diesel Fuel Supplier San Jose Near Me

Southern Counties Lubricants, LLC Western States Oil Co Auto Services & Express Gas Booster Fuels Operations Center CAL Gas ANDOIL Santa Teresa Calco

1. Southern Counties Lubricants, LLC - San José

· 11 reviews

2075 Alum Rock Ave, San Jose, CA 95116, United States

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Southern Counties Lubricants, LLC: what do users think?

Michael Villegas: Great place

Robert Lawrence: Great place to buy Racing fuel in 55gal drums

Eric Smith: Best customer service by far

Chris Uhlik: Best price you'll see for aviation oil. Friendly staff.

2. Easy Fuel - San José



· 5 reviews

1346 E Taylor St, San Jose, CA 95133, United States

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3. Ramos Oil - San José

· 1 reviews

2050 Old Oakland Rd, San Jose, CA 95131

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4. Western States Oil Co - Spartan Keyes

· 44 reviews

1790 S 10th St, San Jose, CA 95112

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Western States Oil Co: what do users think?

Jeff VanDeVen: Best in the business.

ernesto vasquez: I go there from time to time to buy certain supplies for the company i work for; after years of doing so i got to know a couple of their staff members, they're friendly.🙏

TODD CARLSON: Best prices in town... its really a gas station just go look for the office. Gas buddy is not misleading you.

Henry Chavez: Cheap

Navarra Truck: They really do have the best prices around on bulk oil and lubricants. I shop around regularly before I purchase oil for my shop and Western States is always cheaper than the competitors.
Related inquiries Gas station:

5. Auto Services & Express Gas - Spartan Keyes

· 13 reviews

1098 S 1st St, San Jose, CA 95110

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Auto Services & Express Gas: what do users think?

Ed Corbari: Good price for diesel

Sylvia Sanchez: That's where I get my smog. Very good place.

Bay Viewz: Fast service and mechanic is friendly and helpful.

Jennifer Cortes: Cheap gas

T: Went here for a smog check on a Sunday afternoon. No waiting. No problem. In and out in about 20 minutes.

Veronica Esparza: The family owned staff is very friendly

6. Booster Fuels Operations Center - San José

· 5 reviews

2160 Kruse Dr, San Jose, CA 95131

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7. CAL Gas - San José

· 43 reviews

95 S White Rd, San Jose, CA 95196

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CAL Gas: what do users think?

Miguel Ozuna: Cheapest gas in White Road! You pay inside with cash or card and you pump your gas. Smooth beginning to end.

Jose “Feather jester” Gonzales: Needs to be open a bit longer

Leonard Balderas: These people are really good at working on cars and good people.

Jose Valerio: very clean store and very good service

Richard H: Gave my boy a ride here and just like that, we were in and out and gone.

Alex Gonzalez: Good

Adriana Ruelas: Good prices on propane.deff cheaper than others

Jim Moran: Riversweeps burners mini torches rhino pills,#1cal gas #1. Cheapest gas prices. Cool owner...one stop shop if you can feel me,,,,!!!!!!!$$$$'1000%

8. ANDOIL - Campbell

· 29 reviews

3702 S Bascom Ave, San Jose, CA 95124, United States

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ANDOIL: what do users think?

Irfan Ahmad: Great spot to grab a quick drink.

Mike Park: Harold is the greatest mechanic. He knows his stuff and many people bring their classics to him, that should be a big sign. The staff there is friendly which makes a big difference these days.

Oscar Bazán: Always fairly priced gas...

sadegh sadeghi: Clean place and friendly workers

Greg B: This is not the least expensive gas station, but you won't find any better customer service. This goes back across years of this family business pumping several different brands of gasoline.

Catherine Cosse: I love my mechanics guy there. He has checked my car many times for small and bigger issues, helped me more times than I can remember, and I totally trust him with the work, diagnosis, and price. Thanks much for all your work and dedication!!

Cynthia Andary: friendly man working and great prices would definitely recommend if your in the area!

Kayoko: This place is great!! Yesterday, I stopped by as the gas price was good. This must be a new store/station as it was so nice and clean. I started to pump then I stopped almost immediately as I thought it was not working; however, it was working just fine. What I impressed the most was a person working inside the store, I am not sure that gentleman was the owner or a worker, he must have seen that I stopped pumping so he ran toward me and asking if everything was all right or need any help. I have never experienced this kind of service at self-serve gas station.

9. Santa Teresa Calco - San José

· 175 reviews

6095 Cahalan Ave, San Jose, CA 95123

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Santa Teresa Calco: what do users think?

Ariana: Great gas price and car wash. It was affordable and worth while. Definitely recommend if you are looking for a fast and low cost option.

Nick G: This gas station is always super cheap! The employees are really friendly and welcoming! The station is very clean and they always have paper towels near the pumps which is great! I come here frequently and I highly recommend to check out this gas station!

Amanda Marino: Great local station, car wash, good customer service

OB1: Great gas price

Gabriel Millos: Great prices on gas. Decent car wash. Propane tank refill.

Sadok Hasan: Always the cheapest gas here

10. Golden Gate Petroleum - San José

· 3 reviews

905 Stockton Ave, San Jose, CA 95110

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