Business in Golf course:
1. General Assembly San Francisco - San Francisco
· 21 reviews
225 Bush St #5, San Francisco, CA 94104

· 506 reviews
300 Finley Rd, San Francisco, CA 94129
· 285 reviews
50 Frida Kahlo Way, San Francisco, CA 94112
Dennis Snyder: Is my school. It is beautiful.
Brian Adam: .Languages like Spanish, Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese, German, Italian, French, and Tagalog are regularly offered, although sessions are fewer for higher level courses. Except for Spanish and Mandarin, the expectation is that you'll transfer to an institution with more advanced level classes.The college has a number of defunct certificate programs and cool classes that are no longer offered, eg app and game design in the computer science department.The Ocean campus is walking distance from Balboa Park Station, a terminus for the K, M, and J trains + the BART trains going toward Daly City/Millbrae/SFO. There's also a ton of parking, although it isn't all free.The community college is free if you're an SF resident. You pay some or all your tuition upfront, and it's refunded throughout the semester
Kenya M.: .
Lynda Anne (Artful Living): The professors are for the most part excellent. The issues are more organizational with CCSF. I can only take online classes as the campuses are far apart and transportation poor. Their focus is on transferring students for undergrad degrees to nearby universities like Berkeley. There is not much for trades, vocation, or career changes. It isn't very welcoming to older folks.
Richard Shulaw: Don’t get me started the computer is down again 🙈
4. Bay Area Medical Academy - San Francisco
· 25 reviews
530 Bush St #201, San Francisco, CA 94108
Deajua Johnson: I'm so greatly appreciative for this opportunity this class was scary at first but now it's amazing my instructor is great the people are great
Ronald Sampson: I attended phlebotomy classes here and had an awesome experience. Not only was the instruction engaging, but I felt lucky to be with a great group of people who were serious about their learning. The communication with staff has been fast and easy. I highly recommend this institution.
Duke Bunag: Picked up the gear!
Athena Barbosa: Best school. Best expierense. They get you prepared for the hospital setting. Worth the money. I had Dr Israel, Mrs Early, Wendy and Jessie. Renee helped us so much. Even currently if we need help or have questions she's there for my husband and I who are both graduates. Seminita the owner is very caring and sweet. Miss you guys.
Rajat Sethi: 我是灣區醫學院的學生,很高興向所有打算在職業生涯中更進一步的人推薦學院。我加入學院的靜脈放血項目,並對我從學院接受的教育和培訓感到非常滿意。我的放血知識和技能都歸功於這所學院。今天,我正在實現擺在我面前的里程碑,但我相信很快我不僅能夠在醫療領域找到一份工作,而且還能夠為許多人的生活帶來小小的改變患有各種疾病的人。放血是一項重要且急需的技能,我很高興也很感激能夠從灣區醫學院獲得它。我看到了一些一星評論並決定更新我的評論。我想知道為什麼有些學生不高興。我只有好的事情要報告。我的導師B女士對我們的教學做得很好。這裡的實驗室太棒了!!!他們永遠不會缺貨!從第一天起,這個過程就被勾勒得非常清楚。卡琳娜(Karina)在實習時簡直太棒了!一個徹底的專業人士。她很快就會回應請求和詢問,並考慮您的需求。太棒了,太棒了,太棒了!!!我為那些沒有獲得美好經驗的學生感到遺憾,但我意識到,這是一所學院,實習生正在盡一切努力將我們盡可能多的人安置在我們選擇的地點。從任何標準來看,這都不是一件容易的事!遵循他們的流程到“T”,這是一個非常順利的航行。也要檢視你的內心深處......你在玩你的A遊戲嗎?您是否錯過了過程中的某個步驟?最後,要意識到,與其他學校相比,這所學校的學費相對便宜,這要歸功於 BAMA 董事會,他們在設計專案時考慮到了這一點。總的來說,我非常滿意,會一次又一次地來巴馬學習新技能!沒有兩種方法可以解決這個問題。感謝巴馬大學對我和其他學生的照顧。永遠有門。對於那些懷疑論者來說,我絕對不會從這篇評論中受益。我相信應給予應有的信任。
Halley Blythe: 優秀的靜脈切開術計劃。
Element Eclipse (Ela): 這實際上是一個翅膀和一個祈禱,但不知何故它發生了。我參加了 6 個週末的課程,努力學習並在靜脈放血實習中取得了優異的成績。接下來我知道他們為我提供了舊金山愛滋病基金會的工作!我不僅愛我的同事,而且感謝他們花時間考慮我。感謝灣區醫學院為我帶來的新職業。
Melissa Fiato: I got lucky with having a great teacher! The training was very thorough, and the externship was very helpful. My only complaint is that BAMA GRAVELY MISLEAD me to believe that this process was short. The wait time for an externship is incredibly long, even if you can do a 2+ week one. And the state takes weeks to process your license once you are done with your paperwork. All in all, it took me about a year to get my license; and I had the luxury of doing the 3 week externship with a shortISH wait time.
Jazmin Gonzalez: 四年前我從巴馬大學畢業,我非常感謝他們為我所做的一切。當布萊曼學院破產時,BAMA 是唯一一所為我們敞開大門並接受我們而沒有要求重新開始碩士課程的大學👏🏼
6. San Francisco Golf Club
· 70 reviews
1310 Junipero Serra Blvd, San Francisco, CA 94132, United States