The ultimate goal is to achieve World Vegan, World Peace, where all nations live in harmony, protect each other, and help each other, and our beautiful planet is preserved in peace, beauty, and love.
The key is to adopt an evolution to a vegetarian diet, which is the most effective way to benefit health and increase chances of survival on earth.
This restaurant focuses on three core values: HEALTHY, serving delicious 100% plant-based meals using only natural and healthy ingredients; GREEN, respecting and protecting Mother Earth through sustainable practices, including being vegan; and SERVICE, treating each customer as a VIP, a friend, and a partner.
Customers can expect a fast food vegan experience, with delicious and healthy meals served in a friendly and welcoming environment.
The underlying philosophy is to promote compassion and to live a noble way that is in harmony with Heaven's intention, by being a beacon of light for an alternative way of living.