The trucking school offers a comprehensive CDL program that prepares individuals with little or no commercial driving experience to obtain a Commercial Driver's License. The program includes classroom instruction, behind-the-wheel training, and testing to obtain a Class A License. Additionally, the school provides job placement assistance with top trucking companies.
Attending this trucking school provides students with the opportunity to learn from experienced instructors, gain hands-on training, and receive job placement assistance. The school's emphasis on education, hands-on training, and job placement has earned it a top-rated reputation in California. Students can complete the program in as little as 4 weeks and go on to earn up to $70,000 per year.
The school offers a range of support services to its students, including flexible training hours, attentive instructors, and bilingual courses in English and Spanish. The school also provides a manual for students to study with their peers and offers a free training session to prospective students.
Graduates of this trucking school have access to job opportunities with top trucking companies, including local delivery jobs and long haul positions. The school's employment partnerships and job placement assistance help students achieve their career goals.
Students have reported having an awesome experience at the school, with instructors who are easy to work with and a professional and friendly atmosphere. Students have also praised the school's staff and would definitely recommend the school to others.