Reviews Boba Tea House - Riverside San Bernardino County

Address: 767 W Blaine St, Riverside, CA 92507

Telephone: (951) 784-7148

Business type: Bubble tea store

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User FAQs

The tea house has a copyright of 2024, which means that all original content and materials are protected by law and cannot be used without permission.

Yes, the logo of this tea house is a registered trademark, which means that it is a unique and distinctive symbol that represents the tea house and is protected by law.

The phrase All Rights Reserved means that the tea house retains all rights and ownership of its intellectual property, including its copyright and trademark, and that no one else can use or reproduce them without permission.

The fact that this tea house is an incorporated entity means that it is a legally recognized business with its own identity and structure, which provides a level of credibility and legitimacy to its operations.

Based on the information provided, it can be inferred that the tea house has a single owner or a group of owners who have incorporated the business and retain all rights and ownership of its intellectual property.

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