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Reviews California Institute of Technology - Pasadena

Address: 1200 E California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91125

Telephone: (626) 395-6811

Business type: University

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The department is home to two main academic and research programs: Applied Physics and Materials Science, each with its own philosophical approach and administering its own educational activities.

Both programs share a dedication to answering the most important questions and delivering lasting impact in broad areas of technological importance.

Research topics in the department span from bulk metallic glass and nanomechanics, to photonics and optoelectronics, to plasma physics and energy technologies, to biophysics and biomechanics.

Research in Applied Physics is built on the foundations of quantum mechanics, statistical physics, electromagnetic theory, mechanics, and advanced mathematics.

Materials Science research uses the same tools of physics and mathematics as Applied Physics, and adds to them chemical insights to understand and control matter across lengths scales from clusters of atoms to structural components.

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