These courses are designed for medical and healthcare professionals, including dentists, nurses, doctors, EMTs, paramedics, nursing students, lifeguards, ski patrol, and others in the medical field. Additionally, California childcare providers, teachers, summer camp counselors, coaches, foster care, social workers, maritime workers, nannies, parents, grandparents, babysitters, construction workers, acupuncture students, and general workplace employees can also take these courses.
The school offers official American Heart Association certification cards, including BLS, ACLS, and PALS, as well as EMSA certification for California childcare providers. They also provide basic CPR and First-aid certification for various professionals and individuals.
Yes, the school can teach BLS, CPR, and First-aid classes at your location on any day of the week, with the lowest prices for group classes backed by a low price guarantee.
The RQI (Resuscitation Quality Improvement) program is a modern and efficient way for medical and healthcare professionals to receive their official American Heart Association BLS, ACLS, and PALS certification cards.
The school offers excellent customer service, with a customer service team available every day of the week from 8 am to 10 pm. They prioritize constantly improving the user experience and have received positive reviews for their convenient and secure facilities, as well as their easy online courses and in-person testing process.