Our team is committed to helping anyone who struggles with student loan debt to get out of trouble and work towards a brighter future... debt-free! We aim to take back control of your life and your finances by providing expert guidance and support.
We offer assistance to help individuals qualify for Federal Student Debt Forgiveness and set up on the best income-driven programs through the federal government. Our case managers are trained to help you avoid common financial mistakes and avoid services that do not have your best interest in mind.
If left unaddressed, student loan debt can lead to tax garnishment, SSI/Disability garnishment, and paying collections fees that aren't applied to your loans. Your wages and/or tax garnishment may not be applied to your loan balance, making it even harder to pay off your debt.
Student loan debt is a significant problem in the United States, with over 60% of graduates finishing school with an approximate average of $39,351 in student loan debt. Collectively, Americans owe over 1.75 trillion in student loan debt, and that number grows higher every year.
Our team has helped numerous individuals achieve significant results, including reducing their debt burden and achieving financial freedom. Don't just take our word for it - our clients have seen remarkable results, such as reducing their debt from over $67,000 to just $8,000. We can help you achieve similar results and take back control of your finances.