Business in Poster store:
1. Hollywood Movie Posters - East Hollywood
· 19 reviews
6727 Hollywood Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90028
G E: This is an OUTSTANDING SHOP. I visited the store yesterday and had a great experience. Ron is an established dealer in posters, autographs, books and entertainment memorabilia. If this is your hobby this is the place to go when in LAI've purchased from Ron before online but this was the first in person buying trip id made and I was not disappointed. He is an expert in vintage paper ephemera and having friends in the entertainment industry he has a lot of knowledgeable advice for the collector.Forget 5 stars this shop is 10 ⭐ all the way!
ナナハオ: I was looking for something, and although the opening hours were short, I really wanted to go there, so I included it in my trip.At first I didn't know what to do, so I asked if I could touch it and looked for it, but after 2 minutes I gave up, and when I asked, she pinpointed the location! !Most posters were priced at $45, with premium and rare items costing over $100.I bought the Moulin Rouge poster I was looking for for $45, and also a small poster for $15.I came this far without Jimbocho, but this is the ideal poster! And it's a large size! ! It was in really good condition😭I left the store with great excitement.They put it in a cardboard box for free and I was able to take it back to Japan safely. This is a super hot restaurant that movie buffs can't resist.
Kitzia Jimenez-Jones: A hidden gem in Hollywood. I came here about a year ago to look for posters of Stars from the 20’s-40’s and it did not disappoint. It’s a magical spot for any film lover. I left with several prints and my sister left with an original poster of her favorite film. The owner knows his stuff and he will tell you great stories about meeting directors and actors. Definitely worth checking it out.
Scott brodof: Very cool tiny shop. Hard to find but vintage
marty kopulsky: WOW, WHAT A GREAT STORE!
David Rafailovich: A gem
Eduardo Paschoalino: . Lá tem literalmente de tudo: pôsteres de filmes novos , clássicos, raros, fotos, revistas, lobbie cards, discos e um bate papo imperdível com o proprietário, um dos caras mais geniais que conheci na minha vida, autor de um belíssimo livro sobre sua gigantesca coleção e com muita história pra contar, considerando que está lá há mais de quarenta anos e já recebeu ilustres visitas como Richard Dreiffus e Mark Hamill. Vísita mais do que obrigatória para qualquer cinéfilo. Mas fique de olho nos horários, já que o funcionamento é bem limitado. 5 estrelas mais do que merecidas!!
Roman Fernandez: 很好的服務
Caroline Holden: 離開好萊塢大道,在一條蜿蜒小路的盡頭,您會發現這家獨特的商店。店主了解他的電影花絮,也會告訴你你買的海報的歷史。我收到一張法國 60 年代電影的原始海報。我想我不可能在其他地方找到它。
Dave Campbell: 偉大的寶石!第一次嘗試就有了我想要的東西。如果您沒有看到您想要的內容,請務必詢問,因為他們有更多的文件。
gary ingraham: 好萊塢歷史上的偉大作品
Greg Treadway: 簡直就是最好的。如果您真的喜歡電影海報,那麼這裡就是您應該尋找的地方。羅納德知識淵博,這家商店是當今時代的瑰寶。喜歡這個地方! 😎
Gabriele Pisanti: Il miglior negozio della città di poster cinematografici, se siete appassionati cinefili o semplicemente volete acquistare una locandina di un film a voi caro dovete venire qui. Il proprietario è Frank, che da decenni colleziona poster cinematografici e che è molto disponibile nel consigliarvi. Attenzione agli orari di apertura che riporto nella foto qui sotto.
2. Woody's Posters: Posters, Gifts, Music and More - Bellflower
· 1 reviews
13416 Woodruff Ave, Bellflower, CA 90706
3. Scientific Poster Printing Los Angeles - Los Angeles
· 1 reviews
Flower St, Los Angeles, CA 90015
4. Zazzle - Online Pictures Imprint - Norwalk
· 1 reviews
14336 Cabrillo Ave, Norwalk, CA 90650